
Maivarai New Logo


மணிநீரும் மண்ணும் மலையும் அணிநிழற்
காடும் உடையது அரண்

Maivarai Eco-Village,
Thandikudi – Kodaikanal Road,
Kaduguthadi, Thandikudi (P.o), Kodaikanal (Tk), Dindigul (Dt), Tamilnadu – 624210 

Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Accommodation Services

  1. Identity:Participants / guests / travelers shall hold a valid ID Proof and are entitled to provide for verification / photocopy during check in or any required circumstances. For group bookings, the organizer shall provide the list of participants including their name, age and contact number. In case of group booking at least one ID proof per room shall be produced. In case of school / college booking at least one id proof shall be produced.
  2. Usage of Liquor & Smoking:Possession and consumption of liquor and smoking are strictly prohibited inside the campus. Maivarai shall deny entry of person who has consumed alcohol. 
  3. Restriction: Participants / guests / travelers  shall understand and respect the moral & ethical values of the venue and abide the rules and regulations of the venue. Entry of any person who has consumed liquor will be denied
  4. Banned Goods:Possession of any kind of banned goods are strictly prohibited during the program
  5. Outside Food: Outside foods are not allowed to carry during certain programs
  6. Sharing: Allocation of rooms is the discrete decision of the organizer
  7. Safety of holdings: Participants / guests / travelers  are solely responsible for their belongings and valuables 
  8. Personal Safety: Participants / guests / travelers shall take the instructions of the organizer seriously. In any such accidental cases Maivarai or other associated organizations are not liable for any injury or loss of life
  9. Room Allocation: Allocation of rooms for event participation shall lie with the sole and discrete decision of the organizer. Maivarai shall on requirements, schedule and management reasons allocate separate rooms for children. Maivarai shall resist participants from booking rooms on third party accommodations and at such situations Maivarai has the right to cancel the participation of the participant and no refund shall be provided. Maivarai shall strictly not entertain the freewill of participants on accommodation and other activities

Tariff & Charges

  1. We follow 24 hours check in – check out policy
  2. Participants arriving in advance or leaving after program dates shall pay additional charges. In case of group booking, if the guests enter the campus early or leave the campus late by 3 hours from the scheduled arrival or departure then they shall pay additional charges
  3. Discounts on bulk booking shall be applied only after arrival
  4. The cost for different activities inside the premises are not included in tariff unless otherwise mentioned in the quotation
  5. The programs mentioned in the quotation or schedule are subjected to changes due to natural factors, safety reasons and unavoidable circumstances. In such cases there shall be no refund.

Food & Beverages

  1. Maivarai organizes simple, quality food and beverages
  2. The cost of food & beverages are not included in tariff unless otherwise mentioned in quotation.
  3. Food from outside are not allowed to be taken inside the venue. We do not encourage wastage of food


  1. Safety: Maivarai and its staff & associates are not responsible for any loss or damage for property or life of participants / guests / travelers. It is the discrete decision of participants to carry out any activity in the Forest School
  2. Declaration: Maivarai may require declaration for carrying out certain specific activity which has to be duly signed by the participant /guest / traveler
  3. Denial: Maivarai and its staffs have the right to deny, resist or cancel any activity if the participants/ guests / travelers are not responsive and cooperative to ensure the safety of the participants


  1. In some situations / locations / events / activities  Maivarai shall prohibit or charge for taking photography
  2. Maivarai shall deny or restrict taking photos or carry a photography instrument at some places / events / activities
  3. Using and publishing of images taken in a public event by a participant / guest /  traveler shall respect the privacy of other participants / guests / travelers. Any disputes and liability due to publishing of images or videos of third party / person shall lead to penal action on the publisher  
  4. Publishing of any humiliating photographs of third person or Maivarai shall lead to legal prosecution against the publisher
  5. At the event of slander or deformation of moral values, Maivarai shall inspect the photography instruments to clarify or raise legal action 
  6. Maivarai has the right to photograph / videograph any activity, event, program or third party program taking place inside the premises. In case if a third party organizer does not want Forest school to record their event then the same shall be intimated at the time of booking in writing

Images / Videos

  1. Maivarai have the default right to publish images or videos taken during any activity, visit, event, program or third-party program in social media, press, newspaper, magazines, journals and other digital & print medias for the purpose of promotion
  2. If any participant is to disagree the publishing of photographs for promotion, the same shall be provided in writing to Maivarai

Protection of Biodiversity

  1. Any participant or traveler shall not disturb any flora / fauna during the program / visit
  2. Maivarai shall have the right to prohibit taking images or videos of any flora / fauna 

Illegal Activities

  1. Maivarai does not entertain any illegal activity or trespassing into any private or reserved forest area. Any liabilities due to illegal trespassing are the whole responsibility of the participant / guest / traveler

Promotions, Issue of Notices & Advertisements

  1. Prior notices should be made to issue notices, pamphlets and other kinds of information or advertisement in the programs of Maivarai
  2. Maivarai has the right to prevent any individual from issuing notices, circulars, pamphlets and other related materials found offensive to its core principles
  3. Communication on promotion of third-party objects without the prejudice of concerned matter is strictly denied during the program

Sale of Products

  1. Prior notice should be made if any individual or organization requires to sell any products during the program
  2. Maivarai shall restrict sale and promotion of any third-party products during the program without prior notice
  3. Maivarai shall restrict sale of certain products, brands or other materials found offensive to the core principles of forest school

Payment, Advance & Booking

  1. Any participant / guest / traveler is entitled to pay all due payments including accommodation, food and other activities before entering the program
  2. The participant / traveller shall be requested to pay advance amount for holding the facility reserved. In case if the traveller fails to pay the advance within the due date then Forest School is not responsible for the unavailability of rooms.
  3. Transfer of tickets / participation registration to another person is not valid.
  4. Participant(s) / Traveler(s) are liable to pay for any damages occurred to property of accommodations during their stay and other activities. 
  5. Transfer of booked rooms / tickets / participation registration to another person is not valid